Posted by: DR. Rashi Praksh

As we know, Temperament is the psycho-physical personality peculiar to an individual, influencing his metabolic process, manner of thought, and action.
The word “temperament” is derived from a Latin word “temperare” which means to temper, or moderate.

Dr. H.A. Roberts’ View – 

Dr. H.A. Roberts in his philosophy mentions regarding the homeopathic approach of temperament “The morbific influences that are attached to the temperamental tendencies are amenable to treatment and can be removed by the homeopathic remedy; this is in itself greatly preventive of the dangers arising from the temperamental weakness.”

Dr. J.H. Allen’s view –

As we study temperament closely we see that peculiar temperament is predisposed to certain forms of the disease:Sanguine (Liver) Febrile inflammations, Diarrhoea, Tachycardia, Lassitude
Choleric: (Gall Bladder) Insomnia, Burning at the cardia, Hyperesthetic
Melancholic: (Spleen) Insomnia, Depressive
Phlegmatic: (Brain/Lungs) Rheumatism, Constipation, Sleepiness, Anaesthetic

Talking about the Evolution of Temperaments, this can be best understood by Dr. Harsh Nigam’s online lecture on “The Concept of Temperament” – available in combination with a deep and integrative study of many other concepts of Homeopathy in his course on – Principles of Homeopathic Prescribing | Modus Foundation.

You can enroll in the course at

Principles of Homeopathic Prescribing | Modus Foundation

A Brief overview of what Dr. Harsh Nigam has explained in his lecture on temperaments –

Hippocrates’ Humorism:

The evolution of temperaments is dated back to 400 B.C. when Hippocrates came up with the concept of Humorism. He believed that body is composed of four humors -Blood, Phlegm, Yellow Bile, and Black Bile.

And the imbalance in these humors was considered as the cause of all diseases.

Galen’s Temperament:

Then again in 130 – 200 A.D. Galen used the term temperament to denote the bodily dispositions determining the susceptibility of a person to diseases as well a the behavioral and emotional inclinations they have

According to Galen, these were 4:

    Blood with joy called the Sanguine temperament.
    Phlegm with worry anger called the Phlegmatic temperament.
    Yellow bile with anger called the Choleric temperament.
    Black bile with sadness called the melancholic temperament.

    Dr. Hahnemann was the first physician to fully integrate into medicine the innate constitution, the spiritual, the mental and emotional temperament, the instinctive vital force, predispositions, and miasms. Hippocrates is thought of as the father of constitutional medicine but Dr. Hahnemann brought this study to its perfection in Homeopathy.

    Modern Theory:

    To learn more about Temperaments, their evolution and their differentiating features, Enroll in The Homeopathic Academy’s online course by Dr. Harsh Nigam – Principles of Homeopathic Prescribing | Modus Foundation at

    You can catch a glimpse here –