Miasm' is a term that finds itself among the basic bricks that were laid down by Hahnemann to build the system of Homeopathy upon. 

Every practitioner of homeopathy, every intern and every student of Homeopathy is well aware of this term called 'Miasm'. Homeopathy was born in 1796 when Hahnemann discovered that diseases yielded to the drugs which had the capability of producing the same series of morbid symptoms in the healthy body. But the term miasm which today is a cardinal pillar of the science of homeopathy was discovered later in time when Hahnemann saw the reappearance of one or more ailments which seemed to have been overcome by a suitable similimum earlier. Then, Hahnemann wrote in The Chronic Diseases-

"It was a continually repeated fact that the non venereal chronic diseases, after being time and again removed homoeopathically by the remedies fully proved up to the present time, always returned in a more or less varied form and with new symptoms, or reappeared annually with an increase of complaints. This fact gave me the first clue that the Homoeopathic physician with such a chronic non venereal case, has not only to combat the disease presented before his eyes, and must not view and treat it as if it were a well defined disease, to be speedily and permanently destroyed and healed by ordinary homoeopathic remedies, but that he has always to encounter only some separate fragment of a more deep seated original disease"

This is where Hahnemann's search for the real cause of disease, which he named 'Miasm' began. Today, if you ask a fresher about miasm, he would say- Miasm means pollution. If you ask a practitioner of Homeopathy, what is miasm, he would probably give you a slightly more detailed answer and his answer would be appropriate, accurate and theoretically as well as logically sound too. But how well are we acquainted with 'Miasms of Hahnemann' in reality? We live in 2021 and in these 1200 years from its birth, the science of homeopathy has seen its rise and downfall, its criticisms and emblazoning, its successes and failures and the brobdingnagian alterations that come naturally over time. Today, with all due respect to the sprawling schools of philosophy edifying students with varied thoughts on Homeopathy, it wouldn't be wrong to admit that the original musings of Hahnemann on miasms have almost perished. In our endeavor to prevent the tremendous confusions, misinterpretations and misconceptions that are currently prevailing in the homeopathic fraternity,

The Homeopathic Academy

presents to its learners, a ddital online homeopathy course called ‘Miasms of Hahnemann’- by hon’able Dr. Farokh J. Master himself. Dr Farokh J. Master talks about the birth and evolution of the concept of miasm, exactly as given by Hahnemann in The Chronic Diseases.

Like any other science, Homeopathy is both dynamic and fluid and welcomes changes that are also inevitable. Yet it is important to perceive the foundations and be thorough with every single brick therein before we can truly appreciate the developments, the updates and the modifications. Therefore, willing to share his clinical experience of over 40 years in the field of Homeopathy, Dr. Farokh J. Master, in this digital online Homeopathic course, also explores the clinical aspect of the three miasms as delineated by Dr. Hahnemann in his works. Take a quick look here-

The Homeopathy Academy.

The Homeopathic Academy truly believes in what Hahnemann considered fit for the very first page of his very first book on Homeopathic philosophy-

"The Truth We Mortals Need, Us Blest to Make & Keep The All-Wise Slightly Covered Over But did not Bury Deep."

We consider it as our utmost responsibility towards the homeopathic fraternity to bring to light the nearly lost words and thoughts of our Master Hahnemann through our digital online homeopathy course called 

Miasms of Hahnemann

enabling our physicians-in-the-making to perceive and appreciate their foundation. Keep Learning!