We may define dreams as a series of images that run in our mind while we are asleep. But there are those valiant people who dream with their eyes open. It is said-

"Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake up in the day to find it was vanity, but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible."

And isn't that true for us doctors? It is we who ardently believe that there's nothing which is beyond reach. The role that we have played during the pandemic is enough evidence of that. And now there's yet another challenge before us- Competitive exams are here. This time they are all the more nerve racking because all of us are still in the process of recovering from the horrors of the pandemic. In such a situation, let's not forget what Buddha said to his disciples.

"Maturity means staying positive and motivated during difficult times". These words sound simple but when it comes to practicing it, the statement is a herculean task. But are we the ones who would quit so easily? Naah! We are warriors. We will live our dreams. We are all set to study well, to prepare hard and soar higher and higher. Plan your studies, be methodical in your approach and stay high on positivism about your yourself. When you begin your preparation, study as if you are studying for knowledge not for appearing in the competitive exams. This helps you retain information that youstudied. Remember '3 Idiots'? Everyday, just before you head to the bed, ask yourself- how much did you accomplish today. And no it doesn't have to be too much. It may be small but it has to be high on quality. Again, all of us know Steve Jobs. He said-

"Quality is more important than Quantity. One home run is better than two doubles".
Who would understand this better than homeopaths. The very basis of Homeopathy is qualitative arousal of the powers of a crude drug and a simultaneous decline in its quantity. In parlance of the upcoming quantitative exams of UPSC, state PSCs, research officer and AIAPGET, let's not forget to arouse our inherent powers by keeping our score of positivism high. Individualization is another concept of Homeopathy.

 So let us not compare ourselves with our friends and competitors. Everyone has unique abilities. Let us discover ours and work on it. Success never comes easily in life. Let us be consistent in our preparations and bear in mind that we will get through these exams with flying colors. And why won't we. We have the most amazing teachers, ready to guide us on our path of preparation to victory. They have held our hands when we were undergraduates. And they are still there welcoming us with open arms today as well. Wondering what am I talking about? Soon as we, the team of The Homeopathic Academy realized the nearly permanent shift that the pandemic has left us with, we thought about the distances that that have been created between those who are eager to learn and those who want their students to touch the sky. 

We came up with an online platform to bring the two together and brought out several courses by experienced professors for our learners. With the same fervor, this time we have come up with courses in MCQ formats by experienced professors. These courses cover concepts that are important from exam point of view. Plus, they are fortified with important MCQs. Take a look at this course on Homeopathic Materia Medica.

Also peep into this course on Forensic Medicine & Toxicology.

The Homeopathic Academy

Well. These are just a glimpse into what The Homeopathic Academy wishes to offer. We have many more courses-already streaming and yet to come, by highly experienced professors and doctors willing to hold your hand at these challenging times. 

The Homeopathic Academy loves to serve its learners with the best of everything. Your success is our achievement. Lets work hard and prove ourselves to the world. All the best. Keep Learning!

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