Posted by: DR. Ria Thakral

With the upcoming UPSC Exam for recruitment in Homeopathy, it is essential to practice as many MCQs as possible and keep revising them for an efficient learning. Apart from solving previous year question papers and going through all topics in detail once, it is necessary to revise every subject at least 3 times to actually remember 70% of it. 

Out of 120 Questions in the UPSC paper, 30-35 questions are found in average from Materia Medica itself. So you know how important is it to study this subject as efficiently as possible. Just an attempt to give you a quick practice of what you have prepared till now, try solving the questions mentioned below and then check yourself with help of the answer key at the bottom of this page.

Best of Luck!

Name the medicine which has the following fears:                                                                        Fear to be alone                                                                                                                                    Fear of death                                                                                                                                          Fear of becoming insane                                                                                                                      Fear of falling downstairs

(a) Kalium carbonicum

(b) Arsenicum album

(c) Lilium tigrinum

(d) Lac caninum

2. Medicine for severe headache before and during menses:

(a) Silicea Terra

(b) Ferrum Metallicum

(c) Acteae racemosa

(d) Kreosotum

3. Name the medicine for “cylindrical tongue”

(a) Chamomilla

(b) Magnesium carbonicum

(c) Cina marítima

(d) Pyrogenium

4. At every menstrual nidus throat, mouth and tongue become intolerably dry especially when sleeping 

(a) Nux vomica and Nux moschata

(b) Lac caninum

(c) Tarentula

(d) Cyclamen

5. Consider the following statements:

Graphites patient craves for sweets                                                                                                  Sepia officinalis patient has aversion to bitter things                                                                      Which of the statements given above is/ are correct?

(a) 1 Only

(b) 2 Only

(c) Both

(d) Neither

6. When there is bearing down sensation with palpitation, the indicated remedy is

(a) Lilium tigrinum

(b) Sepia officinalis

(c) Lachesis 

(d) Digitalis

7. Absence of menses due to jaundice is a feature of

(a) Chelidonium majus

(b) Chionanthus virginica

(c) Bryonia alba

(d) Nux vomica

8. ‘Cough with irritation in larynx as if some fluid has gone the wrong way’ is a feature of

(a) Drosera rotundifolia

(b) Ignatia amara

(c) Kalium carbonicum

(d) Lachesis tutus

9. Pain in places where the bones are least covered as tibia, back of hands

(a) Rhus toxicodendron

(b) Causticum

(c) Sanguinaria canadensis

(d) Acteae racemosa

10. Medicine for herpes circinatus in isolated spots on upper parts of body, is

(a) Tellurium metallicum

(b) Sulphur

(c) Sepia officinalis

(d) Kalium muriaticum

11. The skin feels cold to touch yet the patient cannot tolerate covering

(a) Arnica montana

(b) Lachesis mutus

(c) Secale cornutum

(d) Silicea terra

12. ‘Ailments from grief and disappointed love’ medicine which is NOT indicated is

(a) Coffea cruda

(b) Calcarea phosphoricum

(c) Phosphoricum acidum

(d) Aurum metallicum

13. Renal colic with pain in small of back before micturition and ceases after flow:

(a) Berberis vulgaris

(b) Lycopodium clavatum

(c) Pulsatilla nigricans(d) Nux vomica

14. ‘Stomach feels swimming in water’ name the indicated drug

(a) Cannabis indica

(b) Moschus

(c) Lyssinum

(d) Abrotanum

15. Name the medicine for ‘Teeth begin to decay as soon as they appear’

(a) Mezereum

(b) Kreosotum

(c) Syphilinum

(d) Magnesium muriaticum

16. Which medicine can be given for atrophy of optic nerve?

(a) Nux vomica

(b) Phosphorus

(c) Tabacum

(d) All

17. Vertigo when ascending is a marked feature of

(a) Belladonna

(b) Bryonia alba

(c) Arsenicum album

(d) Calcarea carbonicum

18. Name the medicine for the symptom ‘Anxiety about the heart as if some evil was impending’

(a) Lilium tigrinum

(b) Menyanthes trifoliata 

(c) Cactus grandifloras

(d) Hypericum perforatum

19. ‘Brain storm’ is the keynote symptom of which Bowel Nosode?

(a) Morgan pure

(b) Morgan gaertner

(c) Bacillus proteus

(d) Bacillus mutabile

20. ‘Will not even take the medicine because there is something wrong about it’ the remedy according to Kent is 

(a) Alumina

(b) Acteae racemosa

(c) Amylinum nitrosum

(d) Medorrhinum

Hope you have noted down your answers and are ready to check them with the answer key below.

Materia Medica is a vast subject and many times we find ourselves confused where to start and how to start the preparation and revision of the subject. It is a topic you can’t ignore, and it is a topic for which however much you practice and study, is always less.

For a thorough and perfect preparation, you can consider enrolling in the online course at The Homeopathic Academy by Dr Pratibha Pathak on “Homeopathic Materia Medica with Competitive Approach” available at https://www.thehomeopathicacademy.com/courses/homeopathic-materia-medica-with-competitive-approach

Purpose of this course is to bring the complete ocean content of Materia Medica into a compressed form, in a way that the essence remains unruffled. The polycrest medicines which are well proven are explained with reference to multiple choice questions and comparative study simultaneously.

To prepare for other subjects, The Homeopathic Academy has following available courses:

General Anatomy and Physiology with Clinical Approach by Dr Monika Devgan Kathuria at https://www.thehomeopathicacademy.com/courses/general-anatomy-physiology-with-clinical-approach/
Forensic medicine and Toxicology by Dr Aditya Sharma athttps://www.thehomeopathicacademy.com/courses/forensic-medicine-and-toxicology/

Keep Learning! And Best of Luck for your UPSC Exam.

Answers: 1. (d) 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (d) 6. (a) 7. (b) 8. (d) 9. (c) 10. (c) 11. (c) 12. (a) 13. (b) 14. (d) 15. (b) 16. (d) 17. (d) 18. (b) 19. (c) 20 (b).