In the last 200 years, homoeopathy has witnessed the emergence of a range of different approaches, all with a single aim of seeking cure in the best possible manner. And today we stand here, gazing intently at the horizon of the wide spectrum of practices in the homeopathic world. When you approach a homeopath with a complaint, he would enquire not just about the complaint but also your general personality. 
The questions may pertain to your mental sphere, your likes and dislikes, cravings and aversions and a lot more. Then, you will be prescribed a remedy that matches all these traits of your personality and simultaneously covers your complaint. That's how alternative therapy works! The very esteemed former president of India, Dr. S. Radhakrishnan once said-

"Homeopathy did not merely seek to cure a disease but treated a disease as a sign of disorder of the whole human organism. This was also recognized in the Upanishad which spoke of human organs as a combination of body, mind and spirit"
The present-day world of alternative medicine encompasses different schools of thought and approaches to the practice of homoeopathy, which vary not only in their basic laws and principles, but also with respect to the choice of medicine, selection of potency as well as administration and repetition of the medicine prescribed. No one approach can be tagged as complete and perfect, though. Hahnemann has mentioned in the Organon of Medicine-
"The physician's high and only mission to restore the sick to health, to cure, as it is termed"

also, he says in the second aphorism,

"The highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of health, or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable, and most harmless way, on easily comprehensible principles"

In his digital online homeopathy course, Modus Prescriber, Dr. Harsh Nigam elucidates the principles of practicing and prescribing Homeopathy in modern clinical scenarios.

The Homeopathic Academy 

Learn how to use Hahnemann's approach in today's times from Dr. Harsh Nigam here. https://www.thehomeopathicacademy.com/courses/principles-of-homeopathic-prescribing-modus-foundation-methodology-of-homeopathic-prescribing-modus-prescriber

Abiding strictly by the classical method, as given by Hahnemann, four cardinal principles are to be followed in every case. These are:- Law of Similar Prescribe one medicine at a time which is most similar to the picture of the disease of the patient. This medicine is the similimum. Since there can be only one medicine which most suits the case, Hahnemann said there can be no substitute of this remedy. 

Law of minimum The quantity of medicine which would produce the least possible excitation of the vital force yet bring about cure in the most gentle and harmless way. Law of simplex “Hahnemann emphasized on prescribing a single and simple medicinal substance at a time in a particular case for a mixture of two or more medicines would form a new medicine with new properties of its own. And finally, Doctrine of Totality, about which, Stuart Close, in 'The Genius of Homeopathy says-

"The totality of the symptoms is the true and only basis for every homeopathic prescription"

A detailed description of all these principles has adeptly been provided by Dr. Akshay Swami in his online Homeopathy certificate course ‘The Homeopathic Philosophy.

The Homeopathic Academy

Learn the theoretical aspect of cardinal principles of Homeopathy, and concepts of susceptibility, miasms, homeopathic aggravation, and evaluation of symptoms from Dr. Akshay Swami herehttps://www.thehomeopathicacademy.com/courses/homeopathic-philosophy

Dr. Harsh Nigam in his digital online Homeopathy course elaborates upon the Homeopathic Philosophy by elucidating the concepts of temperaments, constitution and miasma with an aim to integrate the principles of Hahnemann as presented in the Organon of Medicine with modern homeopathic clinical practice making this course ideal for those looking for online homeopathy courses after BHMS. 

The practical aspects of all these concepts have been elaborated upon, in his online homeopathy course- 'Modus Prescriber' which covers administration of remedies, posology, analysis and evaluation of symptoms, and successful repertorization. 

Physicians of the homoeopathic school have always been and are still the legislators of their actions and thoughts. There has been no established rule in homeopathy as to how should one go about, while treating a case. In the 'Lesser Writings', Hahnemann says-

"When we have to do with an art whose end is the saving of human life, any neglect to make ourselves thorough masters of it becomes a crime"

It is hence at absolute discretion of practitioners of Homeopathy to execute these principles with vigor in their medical practice and ensure that Homeopathy finds a niche in the world of medical science.

"Homeopathy would pay an important part in the public health of the country along with other systems. Medical facilities in India are scanty- Homeopathy can confidently visualize a vast field of expansion- Dr. S. Radhakrishnan"

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